Kensei Muguruma
Captain of the 9th Division
Quick Information
RP Infomation |
Relationship: Will ship with chemistry |
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual (Straight) |
Verses: Bleach verse & Multiverse |
Themes: Mature Themes, NSFW, Fighting |
Personal |
Race: Shinigami |
Birthday: July 30th |
Gender: Male |
Height: 182 cm (6") |
Weight: 75 kg (165 lbs.) |
Professional |
Affiliation: Visored, Gotei 13, Soul Society (Current) |
Profession: Shinigami (Visored) |
Position: Captain of the 9th Division |
Partner(s): Shuhei Hisagi, Mashiro Kuna |
Base of Operations: Seireitei, Soul Society |
Kensei is a tall, muscular man with sharp features, short light-gray/silver hair and brown eyes. He has a tattoo of the number "69" on his chest; the "6" represents his last name, "Muguruma," which uses the kanji for "6" in it, while the "9" represents the 9th Division, which he currently leads. He wears a dark purple A-shirt with a white trim, in addition to green cargo pants, black combat boots, and a pair of orange fingerless gloves. He also has a series of piercings, with one on his left eyebrow and three on his left ear.
During his initial time as a captain, Kensei had longer front bangs, which hung over his face. He wore a sleeveless shihakushÅ that was open on the front, exposing his chest and tattoo, and tied it with a rope belt. He also wore a sleeveless haori and a pair of fingerless black gloves that covered most of his forearms. Seventeen months after Aizen's defeat, he returns to wearing this look, albeit with a less open shihakushÅ, a new metallic belt and mussed up hair
Blow You Away: His Tachikaze has the ability to control wind. With it, he's able to produce Razor Wind capable of slicing clean through a gigantic hollow. For bonus points, Tachikaze's release command translates to "blow it away".
Combat Pragmatist: After having witnessed the speed at which Wonderweiss brings down Mashiro's normally 15-hour Hollowfication mask, he states that he's not the kind to go easy on kids and whips out his bankai immediately, rather than holding back as per the usual Soul Reaper custom.
The Comically Serious: Unlike just about everyone else in his group, he takes almost everything way too seriously.
Enraged by Idiocy: He's...got about a dozen of them, but this seems to be his primary Berserk Button. It's a wonder how he ever put up with Mashiro as his second...
Good Old Fisticuffs: While not a boxer per se, he primarily fights with his fists. More or less makes sense, since his shikai takes the form of a trench combat knife, and his bankai something akin to spiked knuckles and armor. The way Tachikaze works is that he sends shockwaves through your body, even if it's just a love tap. Tekken Tachikaze amplifies that to an absurd degree; when punched, it'll feel like your organs are imploding.
Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He's normally pretty abrasive, but in the past he tried to cheer up a terrified and grieving Hisagi after saving his life from a giant hollow that killed the boy's family. Unfortunately, he was pretty terrible in going about it and just wound up scaring Hisagi even more with how forceful he was.
Mr. Fanservice: Well built, gruff and with an outfit that shows his chest off.
Perpetual Frowner: Maybe he doesn't because he can't smile to begin with? His smile during an attempt to cheer up Hisagi ends up being an unintentional evil grin. He does a little better later, but that's it.
Real Men Cook: Within the Visoreds group, Kensei is the loud-mouthed, aggressive close-combat fighter and Knife Nut. He is also the group's best cook and their chef of choice for large gatherings. Ichigo once complains that Kensei has a tendency to cook too many carbs but the food itself is cooked to a very high standard.
Sleeves Are for Wimps: Presumably to show off his more muscle-based physique than is normal for the series he wears no sleeves.
Team Chef: He can be seen cooking for the Visoreds as early as Ichigo's original Hollow mask training and the databooks indicate he's a really good cook.
Tsundere: Towards Mashiro. The prime example when he saves her from Wonderweiss and then denies that's what he was doing. Then he proceeds to release his bankai to kick Wonderweiss' ass.
Walking Shirtless Scene: His shirt was constantly open.
The Worf Effect: As both a captain-class shinigami and a visored, Kensei is extremely powerful. However the two times he goes all out with his bankai against Wonderweiss and Mask De Masculine respectively, he's handily defeated to further establish just how dangerous his opponent is. Wonderweiss even defeats him off-page.
Would Hurt a Child: After he rescues Mashiro, he tells Wonderweiss that he doesn't care if he's a kid, he's still beating him down.
Wouldn't Hit a Girl: Interestingly, the Pendulum arc shows his Squad having to hold him back while Mashiro bugs him constantly on a mission...but when he's on his own with her and she, sleeping, accuses him of being a pervert, Kensei blushes and half-heartedly tells her, "Don't make me smack you!"